
Project management
On a daily base, our project managers keep themselves busy with dynamic traffic technology and are, therefore, more than able to answer all your questions. Upon completion you, as a client, will receive a delivery file which consists of strength calculations per location for mast and roadside signs, as-built drawings of mast-panel and roadside signs and additionally you will receive any photographs which have been taken during the installation of the structure.

All of our products are being produced according to the CE and NEN-EN 12899 standards entirely. Our production hall has an overhead crane and sufficient height to store the signs indoors. Furthermore, there is a building template in our factory where all panel and mast boards can be built. During the assembly of the signs, both the fastening construction and the sign face are visible.

For the placement of our products, we work together with our experienced placement services which are NEN-EN ISO 9001: 2000 and VCA certified. The products are collected in our factory and then immediately taken to the placement area. This reduces the riProduction sk of damage, saves transport and ensures faster placement.

The delivery file of our ALISA products contains as-built drawings, strength calculations based on wind areas and over-or underlying road networks, material certificates, product certifications, photos of delivery and, possibly, a deviant report.
The ALISA roadside signs with an aluminium construction have the NEN-EN 12767 (impact test) certificate. In addition, our ALISA system has the following standards:
- CE
- NEN-EN 1090
- NEN-EN 1991-1-3
- NEN-EN 1999