N207 Zuidwestrandweg Gouda
AGMI Traffic & Lighting is the market leader regarding the production and supplementation of inventive and reliable signposting products that are produced and developed in-house. As a result, the customer is always assured of the latest technology that meets all the requirements set by the government. In addition, AGMI has got many years of experience and a knowledge-based dynamic team for sales, project management and engineering team, to successfully complete each project.

Delivery Date
27 september 2017

Provincie Zuid-Holland

Van Leeuwen, Heijmans Wegen B.V.
Inquiry made by client
At the Julianasluis in Gouda, we were asked to install an aluminum traffic portal (VICA) with a rotating panel including flashers, to ensure better guidance and traffic flow when either one of the two locks are opened.
Course of the project
The installation of the aluminum traffic portal with a rotating panel including flashers was the last part of the project, which had to be carried out in several phases. At an earlier stage of the project, AGMI had satisfactorily delivered an aluminum portal with the necessary signage. All signposting has been carried out as requested and meets the NBd requirements.
Delivered products
Portal foundations, Cradle to Cradle aluminum VICA portal, rotating panel, flasher set and a control box.
The signage products which have been supplied by AGMI, contribute to a better flow of traffic and increase road users’ attention and awareness. We are very satisfied with the results of the project.
Anton Karssen, Project leader Provincie Zuid-Holland

Particularities project
During the realization of the new Julianasluis which was established by VOBI concrete and hydraulic engineering, inspection by a probe had taken place first at the future site of the traffic portal. The inspection of the port location was carried out by AGMI. Afterwards the engineering firm Fugro had installed the probe. Based on probe data, Fugro also calculated the foundations of the traffic portal.
After the probation report was finished and the foundation calculation had been done, it turned out that the soil conditions around the sluice did not provide the required firmness. Therefore, it was impossible to intrigue the foundations. In consultation with the Province of Zuid-Holland and in collaboration with the firm Leeuwen (supplier of steel pipe components), a choice was made for a different technique, namely drilling the foundations into the ground.
In the meantime, EPC (Electronic Power Control) ensured that one of the existing control boxes got extended in order to loop the control signal to the new control panel. In this way, the rotating panel at the Julianasluis could function properly. Heijmans installed the control and supply cables for this efficacy.
After project agency LBA had measured the foundations, AGMI started with the production of the Cradle to Cradle VICA portal and the rotating panel.
When either one of the two locks are open, the rotating panel changes position and the traffic is led to the other lock. To ensure that the road users pay attention to the rotating panels, flashers have been installed on the rotating panels. The flashers start working when one of the locks are open. Heijmans requested the necessary traffic measurements and placed a portal, the control box and the rotation panel afterwards.
This project was very versatile and many AGMI products were used in the realization. The product has been realised partly due to the expert partners.